Riso Gallo Risotto Zucca

While I certainly don't see myself as the next Nigella, it's fair to say that my kitchen skills have improved dramatically since my uni days. Back then, beans on toast or Super Noodles  were considered a satisfactory supper and there was a rather unfortunate incident with gravy and a sieve (ahem) that my housemates have never let me forget. However, while I can now cook a mean spag bol and have perfected my Step-dad's famous mash, one dish that I've always struggled with is risotto. Something to do with the constant stirring and my inability to cook rice without burning the bottom of the pan has left me at a loss with it, and I'm always envious of friends who seem to whip it up without a moment's trouble.

Thankfully, The Amazing Blog has sourced the rather wonderful Riso Gallo, and given that they were established in 1856 and are Italy's first choice when it comes to risotto; we know we're in good company!

During winter, pumpkin risotto becomes a staple dish for hot-blooded Italians, with the sweetness of the pumpkin perfectly complementing the creamy risotto. And thanks to Riso Gallo, this winning combination can now be yours in a mere twelve minutes. Recently launched, the ‘Pronto Zucca’ (that’s pumpkin risotto to you or me) provides a hassel-free meal for two and is bursting full of flavour and delicious ingredients such as diced pumpkin, herbs and spices – perfect for those pressed for time or lacking the confidence to cook from scratch. Simply add water, bring to a boil, simmer for 12 minutes, and you have yourself a scrumptious meal.  And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can still add a personal touch by including some of your favourite ingredients.  I gave it a go on a particularly dismal day last week, and had it with a green salad, a knob of butter and a sprinkling of parmesan, and it went down a treat!

What’s more, Riso Gallo ‘Risotto Pronto’ has less than 2% fat, no artificial colourings, MSG or hydrogenated fat. So if you’re looking for some kitchen inspiration as winter draws in, or are simply after a quick and easy meal after a long day at the office, look no further than Riso Gallo, available at Waitrose.