Eve of St. Agnes - Organic Bath Oil & Exfoliating Polish

blog One of my all time favourite poems is "Eve of St. Agnes" by British poet, John Keats. The very romance of it has always appealed to me. So naturally, when a box from a brand called Eve of St. Agnes came through the doors of The Amazing Blog, I instantly claimed it. We received both an Organic Bath Oil as well as a Refining Bamboo Exfoliating Polish - I couldn’t wait to try them.


I started with the Organic Bath Oil. This oil contains a luxurious mix of organic avocado, hemp and coconut oils as well as orange, green mandarin, cardamom and frankincense essential oils. Once I poured two capfuls into my running bath, I was instantly hit with the strong smell of each oil's fragrance. I must admit, it was slightly over powering at first, but once I settled in I was taken away into a warming, uplifting and decadent bath time experience. Although next time, I think I’ll stick to the recommended single capful.


After my relaxing bath, I continued my evening pamper with the Refining Bamboo Exfoliating Polish. I am always hesitant using an exfoliator because of my sensitive skin, so I approached this polish with caution.  Initially, I found the polish to be a bit rough, but after gently massaging it in I became quite fond of the texture. And after rinsing it off I was left with smooth and silky soft skin.  Not to mention the smell of orange, green mandarin and sandalwood helped me relax for the evening.


With a magnificent blend of essential oils and some inspiration from one of England’s finest poets, I think we can call this a winner.  Available on the Eve of St. Agnes Website, you can purchase the Organic Bath Oil for £16 and  Refining Bamboo Exfoliating Polish for £18 as well as a wide variety of other skincare and body products.