Genuine coconut

Coconut Water - Genuine Coconut

Missing the summer weather already? A holiday to Thailand without the cost; well it’s not quite a holiday but when we at The Amazing Blog tried the Genuine Coconut we felt transported to a tropical island instantly.

If you’ve already tried various Coconut water brands, we’re sure you’re aware of the benefits to keep your body running like a smooth well-watered machine, helping with digestive problems and improving energy levels, but don’t assume they’re all the same! Most people are aware that coconut water contains Lauric acid and Cytokinins which are natural components helping minimise the aging of skin cells, gifting you a natural, healthy glow.

Genuine Coconut is different from other brands as you’re able to drink the Coconut water from an actual Coconut, meaning the taste is original and authentic whilst being left feeling revitalised. The quality within the production standards at Genuine Coconut means the Coconuts are certified organic and have never been genetically modified resulting in the best Coconut flavour and quality.

The Genuine Coconut uses the NAM HOM variety of Coconuts from a specific area in Thailand, this type is special and unique, and the Coconuts are high quality-known for their particular fragrance, freshness and sweetness.

For a quick tropical trip away, try the refreshing Coconut water from Genuine Coconut for £3.50 at the closest Wholefoods.