non alcoholic drinks

Nonsuch Shrubs

Drinking vinegars are now a top trending topic at The Amazing Blog, I hear you say ‘drinking vinegar, seriously?’ It was not until we received Nonsuch Shrubs that we understood how delicious they could be. Nonsuch Shrubs was founded by Henry Chevallier Guild, the cider entrepreneur (Aspall Cyder), all with the aim to challenge the alcoholic beverage industry. It all started when he noticed that there were very few alcohol-free alternatives on a dry night out.

Nonsuch Shrubs have take their inspiration from ancient Babylonian techniques, creating their sweet and sharp cordial drinks with cyder vinegar and sparkling water. Much as drinking cider vinegar is a hot topic now, adding water to vinegar actually started in ancient times in order to make water to safer to drink. The founder Henry was quoted in an interview “I wanted something that behaved like alcohol, without getting me drunk.” Interestingly, the word ‘shrubs’ is derived from the Arabic work ‘Sharbah’ which means ‘a drink’. Nonsuch shrubs, a.k.a. Nonsuch drinks, are a drinking alternative that behave like alcoholic drinks due to the precise balance of the ingredients. Mainly composed by raw fruits, herbs and apple cider vinegar. Thus out of an ancient formula, a modern elixir was born.

We tasted two out of their four different varieties. They both paired extremely well with food, and we were very impressed with the zesty flavours with their infusions of fruit, herbs and apple cider vinegar. Their Peach & Basil Shrub is an ideal drink to partner with fresh snacks like hummus, almonds, and summery salads such as tomato and mozzarella; pear, walnut and gorgonzola; and more. With a golden straw colour, the vinegar boosts the flavour of the basil and the peach. The Sour Cherry & Garden Mint has a dark red cherry colour and the combination of flavours will transport you to the Middle East. Its blend of cherry, mint and apple, give you a tang of acidity and sourness that is enhanced with the hint of vinegar and contrasted with the minty aroma. We think it works perfectly with lamb or vegetable tagine as well as cucumber salads, fish and artichokes.

Nonsuch shrubs are not only good to the taste buds with their unique harmony of savoury, sweet and sour experience. Quickly added, the beautiful designed packaging make it even more appealing too. Try one of these sparkling, rich in vitamin C, with no added sugars getting your 250ml bottle here for £3.29 and let your mouth experience a burst of flavours. These are a MUST-try!