Healthy Mind

Be Spunki – REBOOT

Okay boys - so who is in need of a bit of a boost? Perhaps your energy levels need something of a top up, or maybe the concentration is slightly off? Well, let us delve into a box of ‘REBOOT’ from  the Be Spunki team, to pep ourselves up so that we can return to operating at full capacity, whether that be at work, in the gym, or if the testimonials are anything to go by, the bedroom! The knowledge that as the years go by our hormones start playing snakes and ladders is of course nothing new, but our attitudes to how we deal with this reality, most certainly are, and Be Spunki are forging ahead with in-depth research as to how best address these issues, in a healthier and sustainable way. Of course, there have been synthetic options available for many years, but with increased and more targeted data now at our fingertips, it is now clear just how much potential damage these synthetic forms of testosterone and anabolic hormone supplementation can do.

Be Spunki was co-founded by entrepreneur Shaun Sargent, who said “Whilst looking for a solution personally, it was a huge shock for me to find that nothing on the market really catered for what most men require at this time.” He went on to say, “There is not much information about the issues we face as men, nor the tips to take charge and change this for ourselves. Not the multi vitamins, not the well-man products, not the gym fixers, the steroid replacements - nothing. It’s a taboo subject for most guys, hence the alarming rise in male suicides.”  The REBOOT capsules from Be Spunki offer a completely natural alternative supporting whole body health, longevity and vitality. With a suggested dosage of two capsules to be taken twice a day with meals, such a complementary addition to our daily intake is a welcome and relatively simple option. Specifically aimed at the male market, these capsules are clinically proven, vegan friendly with no fillers, binders or plastic capsules, and contain powerful tried and tested traditional herbs as their key ingredients. With extract from seeds (fenugreek), roots (ashwagandha and ginseng) and herbs (tribulus terrestris, rosemary and cinnamon) as well as zinc and selenium, the main goal of balancing hormone levels is supported, especially where testosterone is concerned. The importance of keeping our glucose metabolism in check, as well as our cardiovascular function are clear, but alongside all of this come many health benefits such as improved immune system and enhanced physical and cognitive performance. Stamina, energy and endurance can also be improved, and stress, anxiety and irritability, relieved. Do see their fascinating scientific proof on REBOOT here I’ve only taken this for one month so I can’t report in any major changes, although I have found it’s made me sleep better.

Coming to us hotfoot from Australia, this range of supplements is currently only available online, but it is gaining a strong and formidable team of fans. Check out here for the full range, testimonials and details of delivery - one month’s supply of the REBOOT capsules (120 capsules) costs $120 (they do convert currency at the daily rate, and shipping to the UK is reasonable) However, I have to tell you that they also offer The Ultimate Thrival Kit, here which contains the month’s supply of REBOOT as well as a 370g satchel of RECOVER which has been specifically formulated to support recovery post-workout. As they say, this is REBOOT-ing your system in a very easy scientifically proven way.


Live Well London

February is here, and we are proud to say that we are keeping to our New Year’s Resolutions at The Amazing Blog (well, for the most part anyway). Many resolutions revolve around health and fitness, aiming to make 2019 our year of maintaining a healthy body and mind. We were therefore excited to discover the new event, Live Well London, taking place from the 1st-3rd March in Old Billingsgate.

This event will encompass a full line-up of classes, workshops, inspirational talks, live kitchen demos and much more. From fitness to nutrition, beauty and well-being, Live Well London offers a number of contributors and influencers who will be giving well-founded advice, from both personal and professional experiences. This ensures that you will leave having gained wisdom from a range of experienced professionals. Understanding the need for a varied range of advice, organisers have secured speakers from all walks of the fitness and health industries. Matt Roberts, one of the UK’s leading personal trainers, and best-selling fitness authors, will be on hand to provide science-based advice, to help you live a more energised life. The founder of Mind and Meditation, Niraj Shah will imparting her knowledge for those looking for well being and inspiration. If that’s not enough, then skincare expert Liz Earle will be offering advice on how to really take care of your skin. These names are just the tip of the iceberg, with a vast amount of other speakers with equal amounts of wisdom to share. Click here to see what's on over the course of the three days.

The event will also include sessions from More YOGA and Barre Studio, unique and popular classes that prove exercise isn’t limited to running on a treadmill (although this is of course allowed if it’s your thing). The event focuses on four key areas: Well Moved, Well Balanced, Well Nourished and Well Restored. Well Balanced will help you to find new ways of moving, from addressing fitness crazes, to explaining the benefits of HIIT or Pilates. Well Balanced is centred around mental health, an ever prevalent and important topic. You can expect advice on mindfulness and meditation, as well as life-coaching and therapy. Well Nourished will focus on getting the glow from within, with tips and tricks on upping your intake of vitamins, and nutritional food and drinks. Finally, Well Restored will allow you to discover retreats, spas, wellness holidays, courses and more - because we’re all in need of a little escape sometimes.

We predict tickets will sell fast for this event, and as they are limited, we urge you to order sooner, rather than later. If you’ve fallen off the New Year bandwagon, or are simply looking for ways to ramp up your healthy routines, then we’re sure there will be something for you. Click here to purchase a ticket from £35.